根据沙特阿拉伯国家标准局(SASO)和沙特阿拉伯商业部(MoCI)的规定,大部分出口到沙特阿拉伯的产品需通过强制性产品认证。受检测产品在到达沙特阿拉伯之前必须取得合格发证机构所核发的符合性证明(CoC),沙特阿拉伯的官方机构会在到货港口对产品进行抽样查,以确定产品和CoC的一致性。CoC需由国际实验室认可组织( ILAC)成员, 或者与SASO互相承认的机构(MRA)颁发。沙特SABER认证CMK中国区官方授权指定认证机构,可以为需要出口到沙特的产品颁发CoC。
According to the regulations of the Saudi Arabian Standards Organisation (SASO) and Ministry of Commerce and Industry(MoCI), most products entering the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are subject to compulsory certification Any product subjectto testing must obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) issued by a qualified organisation before it arrives in Saudi Arabia.Representatives of the relevant official KSA organisation will sample incoming goods at the port of arrival to ensure that theyare consistent with the CoC.
产品范围 Products scope
The scope and field of application of this program is issuingcertificates of conformity for all commodities and productsintended to be exported to Saudi Arabia excluding thefollowing items:
食品和农产品 Foods and agricultural products
药品 Medicine
医疗器械 Medical devices and equipment
原油 Crude oil
基本流程General procedure
文件准备Document preparation
测试(如必要) Testing (if required)
装运前检验 Pre-shipment inspection
颁发CoC Issue CoC
进入当地市场 Market entry